
Monday, February 16, 2009

Bad Habits

My little prince asleep on my chest during nap. Oh how I love to snuggle with my boys!

Bad habits truly are hard to break and I often don't try because I love them so. One bad habit is holding my babes during nap time. Sure I could use this time to be productive but I cherish these moments. I love having Coop lay on my chest and watching him sleep. His cheeks are so kissable and I love his soft little ears. I also enjoy a little siesta myself, it does a body good. My big boy now naps alone and I miss the days when he fit perfectly on my lap. So nap time with babies is a good bad habit just like eating rocky road ice cream out of the tub with a spoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your "bad habits" define you - a loving, nuturing mother. The boys are lucky to have you, so am I! The rocky road.......????? Love You! -Tom