Parker Thomas A Year In Review.
Parker today you are one! This year has truly flown by. It seems like only yesterday I was waiting to meet you and anticipating your arrival. You have been such a joy and truly are an angel baby. We are so in love with you little man and love having you in our family. This month you have been quite busy doing fun holiday activities. You like to be on the go and enjoy riding in your stroller. You like people watching and love to be around other kids. You are getting close to walking. You walk around furniture and can reach for the next table or piece of furniture to help you move. You can stand on your own but then fall over. I know once you start walking you are going to be fast. You are a great little crawler and move your little legs so quickly. You love getting in to drawers or cabinets and put everything in your mouth. Mommy watches you like a hawk and we make your older brothers keep little pieces in their own rooms. You love listening to music and are a good little dancer. You clap your hands and make noise that is your own kind of singing. You love to play patty cake, peek a boo, this little piggy, ride em horsie, and sing nursery rhymes. You love to read books but still enjoy eating the pages too. You got lots of new books for your birthday and we have loved reading them. You love playing with your toys and still love balls and cars the best. It is fun to watch you push cars and trucks around like you know just what to do with them. You like to push your ride on toys around the room and think you are big stuff when you walk behind a toy. You also like to play with the play kitchen and open and close all the doors. You love watching your older brothers play and like to be right in the middle of the action. They are so sweet with you and really look out for you. They are always making sure you are safe and keep you out of trouble. While they fight with each other they both protect you and love you so! You weigh 26 pounds 8 ounces and wear 18-24 months. You are still wearing a size 5 diaper. This month you had your first ear infection and took antibiotics for the first time. You had a hard time eating with your cold but you usually love to eat. You love goldfish, crackers, yogurt, vanilla wafers, puffs, veggie sticks, and cheese puffs. You are still eating 2 jars of baby food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and nurse during the day. You love your sippy cup and enjoy water but have also had Gatorade and think it's yummy. You love ice cream and really enjoyed your cake at your birthday. I think you have a sweet tooth. You have 6 teeth four on the top and 2 on the bottom. You got five teeth all at once and were such a good baby the whole time. Your teeth are so cute! You love the phone and every time it rings you say Hi Dada. You always put the phone to your ear and say DADA. I think you know I talk to your Daddy lots during the day. You can say mama, dada, hi, by, uh oh, tree, wow, all done, and wave hi and bye. You can be really noisy and holler when you want something or are playing hard. I think you will fit in great with your big brothers. You are good at blowing kisses and give the best open mouth kisses. You love to be rocked and are a great little snuggler. You still don't sleep in your own bed but we will be working on it. You like sitting in your high chair and still jump in your bouncer and exersaucer. Parker we are so thankful for you and you are such a blessing to all of us. Happy First Birthday Sweet Baby Boy!
Happy Birthday Parker! The year has flown by for those of us who know you by the wonderful photographs your momma takes and her GREAT descriptions of everything you do. Parker, I cannot wait to meet you this summer! You will keep us all busy at the beach!
Happy Birthday Parker! You are the sweetest, happiest baby I know!
Happy Birthday, Parker! Jessie, I loved the year in review pictures! It was so neat to see his growth from month to month. I wish I had done that.
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