
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sawyer's Surgery

This little guy had to go to Riley for surgery today.  We have know he needed this surgery since he was tiny, but that didn't make it any easier.  I was a nervous wreck and wanted to cancel, but we knew it would only get harder for him the older he got.  He was a rock star!  Before the surgery he was playing in the room and showing off his new walking skills.  He truly is such a happy little guy who is so friendly with others.

The staff at Riley was AMAZING!  They really do a fantastic job, such a blessing to live in an area with such a wonderful children's hospital.  Before they took him from us Tom and I prayed over him, I was crying by this point and the poor nurse felt bad taking him away.

The surgery lasted for approximately 90 minutes which felt like 5 hours.  When they brought him to me he was awake but he nursed right away and went right back to sleep.  They were happy he nursed and was able to keep it down after the anesthetic.

Poor buddy had to keep his IV in until they knew he could tolerate eating.  Poor guy.

And then we got the all clear to head home!  Praise the Lord.  He was sleepy but doing good.

When we got home he ate lunch and dinner.  The next day he was all smiles.

So thankful!

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