
Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting Ready for Santa

So excited!
Dancing for Santa.
Hurray for Christmas!
Santa's Stash.
Is this orange not for me.
He was so proud.
Working hard.
Sprinkling the magic reindeer food.

The boys were so excited to get ready for Santa. Baylor had been planning exactly what he was going to set out for the big night. He wrote him a letter and put it in a sealed envelope for safe keeping. Of course they gave Santa a plate of Christmas cookies, one in every color. We also had a special plate for the reindeer. Baylor had talked to Santa and he said the reindeer loved big carrots. Baylor made sure we had those and then he peeled four clementines and broke them into slices so Santa would not have to spend time doing that. Cooper kept trying to eat the oranges that Baylor was leaving on the plate. They also left special reindeer corn from Mimi. Baylor made his own special glass of chocolate milk and also left him a Diet Pepsi. Santa had quite the smorgasbord at our house, luckily we were one of his only stops a few days before Christmas. Baylor had made magic reindeer food at school and Daddy and him sprinkled it on the sidewalk and front door. Our stockings were hung with care and two little boys were ready to start dreaming about sugarplums. They were so excited!!!!

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