
Friday, October 30, 2009

Tis the Season


Ominously missing from this week's blog post was a monumental event in the Hurst household. As many of you know, we are expecting our third precious little boy on December 22nd. As such, we have been trying to prepare for the Holiday Season early since Jess is quickly becoming uncomfortable as we get closer to Parker's birth. Jessie has been busy buying Christmas presents and preparing.

I have been traveling a great deal in October - I think I have been gone more days than I have been home. I arrived home late Tuesday night from Chicago from a few days on the road and had a very busy day on Wednesday. By the time I got home Wednesday night I was ready to relax and have fun with the family. Although we had talked about doing it over the weekend or early November, I whispered to Baylor - "Let's put up the Christmas Tree"! As you can imagine he went nuts and AWAY we went. Out to the barn to get the tree we went - two hours later the tree was up and lighted. We are going to decorate it this weekend!

Yes, we know that we are crazy - but it is our CRAZY and we love it.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

jamie said...

I LOVE it! Austin would have ours up in July if I would let him!:) We are already singing and listening to Christmas music!:) There's nothing wrong with it!:) Enjoy and have fun decorating!:)