
Friday, June 12, 2009

Santa's Lap

Santa even wore red and green.
Trying hard to stay on the nice list until Dec. 25.
This is what Coop was doing while Baylor was talking to Santa.
The best picture of the boys.
Can you believe this precious babe would pinch his brother?

Santa was quite busy on the beach today taking pictures and hearing early Christmas wishes. Baylor colored him a picture and brought it to him this morning. Santa was so nice to Baylor and thanked him for the great picture. Baylor sat on his lap at the beach and was able to talk to him. What a jolly man! Tonight we went to St. Armands and ate at Crab and Fin. I love the piano player there and he always knows my requests. I tried to get a picture of the boys but Coop didn't want to be bothered and kept pinching Baylor if he got to close.

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