A Look Back at 2011. It was a great year for our family and it flew by so quickly!!!
Parker became a walker, we started a big remodel project, and spent time playing at home.
We celebrated Valentine's Day, Baylor passed KinderCore Words and we went with Daddy on a business trip to Orlando.
We celebrated Valentine's Day, Baylor passed KinderCore Words and we went with Daddy on a business trip to Orlando.
We went to Florida for Spring Break and drove to Florida for the first time.
We celebrated Easter, started to play outside, and moved back into our downstairs!
Baylor played baseball, Cooper graduated from preschool, and Baylor finished kindergarten.
We made lots of great memories at the beach!
We spent lots of time boating, had a lemonade stand, and a bike parade.
Baylor started first grade, we soaked up the sun on the boat, and played outside.
We went to Dale Hollow Lake for Labor Day, Baylor played fall baseball, and Cooper started preschool.
Baylor turned 7, Cooper turned 4, we had an ocean birthday party, visited Disney, and celebrated Halloween.
We had the Harvest for the Hungry dinner, celebrated Thanksgiving, and got ready for a busy holiday season.
We definitely made the most of the holiday season and were busy all month long! I think we only had two free nights all month. I loved making great memories with my family.
What a great year 2011 was, we were so blessed!
I'm sure 2012 will be great too!
I've decided against resolutions this year and decided this at the very end of the month. I am thinking my word for the year is going to be FAITH.
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