
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Helper

Baylor is such a great little helper. I can't believe how much he has grown up over the past year. He loves to help and wants to please. Lately he is up early and we tell him he can't get out of his room until his Lego Star Wars clock says 7:00. I always lay his clothes out the night before so when he comes out of his room at 7:00 he is dressed and ready for the day. He combs his hair and brushes his teeth on his own. Lately he makes his own breakfast, gets Tom coffee and a tea for me, and makes his brothers breakfast. He had their drinks and plates out and ready on the bar for when they wake up. He has even been taking the dog out on his own in the morning and getting him his breakfast. He is always so proud and waits for us to make over him.

We are pretty lucky to have such an eager help.

Tonight I made a new recipe, chicken stroganoff, that turned out great. Baylor made us brownies for dessert when he got home from school. They were tasty!

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