
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama!

Parker was a good baby. We were there a long time.
We love you Mama!
Katie and Mama.
We also celebrated Adam's birthday. His birthday is on Sunday, Happy Birthday Adam!
So happy to have cake, or really happy to have the icing:)
They were playing Angry Birds on Daddy's phone.
Sarah is going to be in seventh grade. When Baylor was born she was in kindergarten, oh how time flies.
We sang Happy Birthday to Mama at the food court and she ate a Mexican wedding cake.
Parker loves Mama.
Before we went shopping he took a bath in the sink. He is so sweet.
Today was Mama's birthday and she had a great day. During the day Mimi, Pop, Parker, and I took her to Greenwood Mall to do some birthday shopping and to eat lunch at the food court. She was excited to go to Von Maur and spend some of her birthday money. She got some cute shirts and jewelry and was very happy.
We had her family birthday party at Bravo for dinner. The boys were so excited because we were having cake at the party tonight. The boys were really excited to see Sarah since it has been a while with vacation. Mama loved all of her presents and had a great night. We loved being able to celebrate with her.

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