
Friday, December 10, 2010

Cooper's Preschool Christmas Program

Cooper the cow before the program.
The cast.
I love this little one!
Our family on Cooper's special night.

Coop was not interested in individual pictures with his fan club, but we did get a big group shot. We are so thankful everyone was able to come see our little cow. He is lucky to have so many people who love him!
I love the manger scene in the back of the church. It is very old and so unique.
Coop and Mrs. Steele after the program.
He loved having cookies and punch.
Mimi brought him a cow ornament to remember his special program and a little sock monkey. He was so excited.
Cooper has been singing Christmas songs at preschool since early fall to get ready for his big program. He is so cute when he sings at home and how he makes up the words if he isn't too sure. We have been making a big deal of his program and really talking it up. On the way there he kept saying he didn't want to go and I wasn't sure if he would go on stage. I took him to his class to get ready and he was on the verge of tears. Once he got his ears and tail on and talked about what he was going to do he seemed much better. He sat with his friends and waited. He walked out and went right up on the stage like a big boy. He sang the songs and did the motions. He was so cute! All of the kids did a great job and the program was precious. It was so sweet. Cooper had quite a fan club at the program. Mimi, Mammaw, Pappaw, Mama, Papa, and Grandpa Shadday all came to hear him and watch the program. Poor Pop had to work late and miss his program but we taped it so he can watch it later. Great Job Cooper, we love you and are so proud of you!

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