
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hurst Family Christmas

Elf Baylor.
To end the day of fun Aunt Annie set up the chocolate fountain. It was a big hit with everyone.
Park took a long nap on my lap.
He was busy pushing boxes around. Opening presents is hard work.
He likes to tear open the paper.
Waiting for his presents.
They got new hoodies and wanted to try them on.
Baylor got a Nutcracker music box that he loved!
Baylor was so excited about the crayon maker.
Giving Daddy kisses.
Look at all those teeth.
Katie and Baylor were playing Santa and reindeer.
All the kids.
Cody and Cooper.
They had fun playing with the train.
We celebrated with Tom's family today. Tom's dad made a delicious brunch that was so tasty. The boys loved the bacon and sausage and Sweet Shoppe donuts. The boys had so much fun playing with all of their cousins. They always have a great time together. Cody and Grant were so nice to Cooper and played with him all day long. The boys loved their toys and presents. Baylor loved his Crayola crayon maker and Cooper loved his tool set. The adults had a gift exchange and it was fun.

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