
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Counting Down the Days

Painting like one of Santa's elves.
He is a quick little painter.
Finding their note for the day.
Listening to his ornament.
Coop likes to rock baby Jesus.
He's loving all his new toys in the cage.
Baylor woke up not feeling very well with a stomach ache. Daddy and Parker stayed home with Baylor and Cooper and I went to church. I had to sing with the joy jammers and Cooper wanted to go to his class. After church Coop and I went to the grocery and then brought home lunch. Since we ended up staying home for the day the boys painted and worked on a few more Christmas presents. We have been busy counting down the days until December 25. Mimi gave the boys a special Hallmark Christmas ornament on December 1 that tells the Christmas story throughout the month. Each day is different and it is a great way for the boys to hear and be reminded about the true meaning of Christmas. We also have a gingerbread house that is an advent calendar on the kitchen table. Each day there is a little note with a clue that helps them find their little prize for the day. They love it and are so excited to find the little surprise. Cooper's favorite so far was his Santa bubble tape and Baylor loved his tiny little nutcracker. We are busy reading Christmas books, watching our favorite Christmas movies, and singing holiday songs. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year, if only it was a little warmer:)!

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