The Colts wagon was there today. Baylor saw Peyton Manning.

It was jam packed today! We found out it was foster family day and free for their families. Such a nice thing but it was super super crowded. There were lots of kiddos.

The boys liked seeing Rex and playing beach ball in the lobby.

We went to Treasures of the Earth. Ethan liked doing the coral pieces.

There was an underwater archaeologist who gave a talk and the big boys loved listening. He works for Indiana University.

It was so packed it was hard to get in the dig site or the tunnel but Cooper managed to get a bucket for the rocks.

Baylor and Ethan did the Mummy puzzle.

After lunch we headed to

Baylor always wants Mimi to read to him in this area. He said when school starts I'm never going to be able to go to the museum, breaks my heart! I'm really struggling with the fact that he will be in school all day. I feel like these years with him went by so fast!

Parker liked driving the train.

Ethan and Parker played trains together.

Parker loved the carousel and cried when he had to get off. He was saying "more" over and over again.

Coop rode on a black horse.

We ended the day in
Scienceworks. These cute boys were checking out the fish. In December there will be a baby girl added to the mix. Ethan is going to be a big sister to a baby girl in December. We can't wait to meet her!

They loved the water and the boats.

Parker was having fun.

We all got ice cream on the way out of the museum. It helped keep us cool as we walked to the car. When we got to the car it said it was 101 outside.

Parker fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep when I carried him upstairs.
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