One of the items on our summer fun list was to attend VBS. I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to attend since we missed our church's while on vacation. Baylor went last year to New Faith's and it started today. Cooper was so excited that he was old enough to go this year. He cried everyday last year when we would drop off Baylor.

He was really happy he was in Drew's group.

He had a great time.

Maddy and Baylor were in the same group and there were several other kids from their school.

After VBS we headed to the library to get our prizes for the Summer Reading Program. We logged all the books we read while on vacation.

The boys had some time to play on the computers too and check out books.

They both got to pick a book, pencil, and free breadstick coupon.

Baylor picked a shark book and checked out several more.

Then it was off to the movie. Maddy's 7th birthday was yesterday and we went to see Mr. Popper's Penguins to celebrate with her today.

The kids had popcorn, Icee's and Skittles. They were thrilled.

I can't believe they are going to be in first grade in one month.

Maddy opened her present and checked out her new game.

They were all trying ot act like penguins.

Can you tell Jack thought they were too noisy. Parker man stayed at home with Miss Sarah today and had a great time playing at home alone. He is no longer movie material so it worked out much better.

While we were in Florida Tom finished several projects at home. He hung my chalkboard and I wrote our summer fun list on it. We were able to check off two more things today. I love seeing all the things we still need to get done, but summer is flying by way too fast!
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