
Friday, November 4, 2011


life rearranged

I am linking up for InstaFriday again today. Check out Jeanette's blog to see the other entries and to learn about the Happy Day Project. I'm so excited. I read the post that inspired the project and I want to do random acts of kindness on my birthday this year too. How fun. Read them and then join in, what fun to spread happy happy joy to others!

Check Spelling Just had to share this costume cuteness one more time. He has loved dressing up this year.
Halloween is over and we are ready for Christmas! We went to The Christmas Tree Shop this week and found some good Christmas crafts and things for the boys to make this holiday season. Let the fun begin.

After Mops on Tuesday we went with Jen and Ethan to Greenwood to shop. These two played peek a boo together in the dressing room mirror. We were helping Jen with her Christmas shopping since Baby Girl Rohn will be here in early December.

They have fun together.

This hangs on the door at the barn where the boys ride. This is so true at times!

After our dentist appointment all of this candy is gone.

He had lots of projects this week.

Parker is really into playing right now. He loves Duplo Legos and Mr. Potato Head. He wants you to sit right by him and he says play.

We went to Holiday Mart with Mimi and found some cute stuff. Mimi got the boys a chocolate oreo sucker. It made the stroller a little better.

The boys love playing with Dad. We are loving his new reduced travel schedule.

We visited Daddy at work this week and brought him a shake. Baylor loves to draw on his dry erase wall.

Baylor had a bad cough and stayed home from school today. We went to the doctor and it is just a cold but it was nice to spend the day at home. A little fighting with his younger, middle, brother made me know he wasn't too sick.

Baylor helped me get a new recipe together this morning. We are having BBQ Pulled Pork Stuffed Potatoes. I'll let you know the verdict.

We took Parker to the doctor and it was a long time to keep him busy while we were waiting for the doctor to check out Baylor. We went through lots of purple gloves.

Look what's back. Peppermint Chocolate Chip Shake from Steak n Shake. I got hooked on this when I was pregnant with Parker, at least then I had an excuse. I can't really justify eating one every day now, but oh my they are tasty. I had to share with Parker too, I think he remembers how many I ate when I was pregnant with him.

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