
Friday, May 4, 2012

Ox Cart Boys

 On Friday we went to Conner Prairie for a class on oxen.  The weather looked a little iffy but the rain held off and it ended up being a beautiful day.  We went outside first to go to the barn and then to see the big oxen, Red and Blue.  As soon as we went outside we realized that the second graders from our school were on a field trip.  We were excited to see Aunt Anne and Katie.
 In the barn we saw two baby calves.  One was a boy and one was a girl.  They were so sweet.
 They are so gentle.
 Giving some love.
 They amaze me at how close they get and that they are not afraid of animals at all.
 He loved the baby calves.
 The baby goat was so sweet and tiny.
 Then we went to the Golden Eagle Inn to see Red and Blue the working oxen.  They are huge!  
 They even got to pet Red and Blue.
 Hard to believe the baby calves who are boys could become ox.
 Then we walked behind the ox cart, we had a job to do.
 The boys had to help fill the cart with wood.  They loved this job.
 Filling it up.

 So much fun.
Then we went back to the Inn and unloaded the wood and stacked it on the wood pile.  Such hard workers.

Great Job.

 They were hot and sweaty and ok with returning inside to class.  They got to make their own ox cart and oxen team.
 Hard at work.
 Miss Marry read the story Ox Cart Man and the boys filled their wagons with the items listed in the story.

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